Thursday, November 11, 2010

Memory Lane -1 , Synchrony 2010

Things have moved too fast too soon here at IIMA .
When i look back, it has been 5 months since i came to this insti but hell lot of memories to share. Let me take you through my memory lane ( atleast some of them ) in the coming 4-5 posts.

Call it the "typical me" or the "mysterious me" - here i am posting article after article when many of my friends are busy slogging for their summer interns ( which start tomorrow).

The Synchrony meet 2010

SynChroNy 2010 is the annual alumni meet of IIM Ahmedabad conducted in the lush green lawns of ISB, Hyderabad. It was really surprising to get an invite since i was yet to join the insti back then. I felt previleged, honoured and excited to meet Our Alum ranging from Batch of 1969 to Batch of 2011. We met a DGP, a social entrepreneur (NDTV most influential person finalist), a HR director, a CEO , a CMO ..the profile list was endless. It was an experience of a lifetime to meet all these stalwarts before joining the insti. Some pics at that time -

The current batch shared the pics of recent events and latest developments at the insti and the alums were all the more excited. We had an informal dinner with the alums some of them at the age of my grand father who went back to their youthful days and told us all their stories - how they cursed their first few months, how they won the T-NITE, how they got their dorm names and how they found their life partners. The stories were endless and the discussions pushed my expectations from the insti even higher.
That day Ravi and Me left ISB by taking a oath that we will become social entre's one day.

1 comment:

  1. How far did u reach in ur pursuit of social entre...Ravi is alredy runnin in that direction
