X - 88% , CBSE , 2002
XII% - 91% , state board, 2004
Undergrad - 74.5% , Elec n Telecom @ Sathyabama Univ, Chennai
18 months(till date) @ HCL Tech
CAT (2009-10):
DI - 99.40
Quant - 97.32
Verbal - 96.50
Aggregate - 99.58
(NC - OBC )
Extra acads : GooD
Any other special thing abt u:
2. Developed a module for Air Bus 320
Interview & Essay
Venue: IIM B @ @ M23
Date : 30 MARCH
Essay :
Topic: Business = only profits / social + envi issues
Number of Ppl present: 6
Time: 2 PM
Brief Snapshot of the attempt:
1. Business uplifts the entire society and solves many social issues like unemployment , poverty etc.
2. Some environmental issues should be taken care of for better tomorrow.
Time given : 30 mins (U can think / write whenever u like to)
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3
Rate your performance(0-5): 4
Panel Members Intro: Alumni - A , Us Accent Faculity - U, visiting Faculty - V , Raj (me)-R
V - u say business forms pillar of a society , why ?
R - Sir, ..... repeated same esssay points , compared India with US ...
V - In that case y should v bother abt environmental issues ??
R - For safe future ...lah lah....
U - U say standards of living , how do you measure it ??
R - Sir , per capita income...expenditure ..savings ..ability to buy basic aminities .....lah..lah..
(U quizzed me more on standards of living ....gave my small gyan on these big topics)
(Now A ....the most pleasant person in the panel takes over)
A - Describe ur typical day @ work ?
R- ...sir ...start with mails meetings .....lah..lah..finally end my day with TT / badminton
U - Asks abt my work for Air Bus ....
R - (Almost jumped from my seat in excitement ): lah lah ..........for 3 mins.
U - So u know abt the biggest flight right ? wats it ?
R - A380
V - ok ... Lets say we run A380 from Banglore , wat r the pros and cons ?
R - sir ...pros n cons ..lets see...hmm..
1. Traffic congestion ..gyan
2. Fuel consumption gyan
(Now the show starts, it was more like a rapid fire round from here on)
U - ok Where's AiR bus's headquarters ..?
R - pass
U - Head of Air bus ?
R- pass
U - U don't know abt ur client ?
R - Sir , my Immediate client is tHales.
U - ok Where's Thales's headquarters ..?
R - France.
U - Air bus's major competitor ?
R - pass
U - Take a guess..
R - Boeing ..
U - operates from ?
R - US.
V - hmm ..Rajesh we are trying to check ur management perspective ,
can u give us any pointers ?
R - Sir , i read some management books , latest was The WinninG by Jack Welch.
U - Jack welch's Company ?
R - GE
U - One major product made by GE and Deployed in AIR BUS ?
R - Sir must be the bulb .
A & V are satisfied by the answer ...but..
U says - i can buy a wipro bulb..., tell me the main product ..?
R - ..GE ..found by main product is bulb.
V - hmm yes rajesh pretty much , any other main product ..he's expecting for something very core for an aeroplane...
U - Rolls Royce make ??
R - Cars.
U - So GE makes ?
R - Sir Engine (great yar GE engine thayar kartha hai).....
A - ok rajesh ..what are ur learnings from HCL ?
R - councils .....committees MBA .....etc.....(4 mins gyan)
V- ok rajesh , thank you v r done..
R - thank you sirs
V -Any qtions for us ?
R - Sir , can u tell me abt Vikasana ....the projects and frequency.....
U - hmm.. v don't have good idea , u can consult any senior for info...
R - ok...thank you sirs
Rate your preparation(0-5): 3
Rate your performance(0-5): 4
Any other relevant detail.
The PI was very friendly , it was more like a usual chat with a stranger.
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